GPS Location:- Latitude= 25.224404 Longitude= -76.273464
Constructed on parcel “B” is a Split-level Tri-Plex structure which consists of Three – Two (2)
Bedrooms, One (1) Bathrooms; Front Room; Dining Room; Kitchen that is approximately
Sixteen (16) years old, is of C. B. S. and is in fair condition. The roof is constructed of 2” x 6” p. t. rafters @ 24” o/c covered with asphalt shingle overlaid
with #30 felt tin-tagged onto 5/8” exterior grade plywood sheeting. This structure is structurally sound, is in good condition and appear to have been built in
accordance with the plans and specifications and at a standard acceptable to the Ministry of
Public Works. However, the wood landings are in very poor condition.
Rooms | Bathrooms |
Unit 1-2; 4 bedrooms Unit 3-4; 3 bedrooms | Unit 1-2; 3 bathrooms Unit 3-4; 3 bathrooms |
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